Wednesday, November 8, 2017

October 13-15th 2017.

My trip to Madrid and my experience from Leroy Sanchez's Elevated Tour, my first concert.

  Now that the tour is almost over I wanted to write few words about it. I attended the show in Madrid on 14/10 (20th bday presemt lol), at Teatro Barcelo, which is a pretty cool place I have to say. The atmosphere was great, the band made us feel really comfortable (and that is coming from someone who sometimes doesn't get along with crowds). Now, I might didn't most of what Leroy were saying (bless my friend who was translating for me the whole show😂 ), but I'm amazed of how music connects people and conveys emotions.
  Speaking of connecting people, I met great people that I wouldn't have met before and new music from artists that I would have never listened to (Carlos Ares, you were great, I fell in love with your songs and I'm sure you will do great things).
  Also, Leroy and the guys were so kind. They talked to us, took pictures with us, Corey even gave us guitar pens and had to go back to get some more when he ran out. Stay like that guys!
 When I tell people I traveled from Greece to Madrid, 4 flights in 3 days just for this they look at me like I'm crazy (maybe I am😂) but it worth all the tiredness. Most of all, I have all these great memories to look back to and feel good! So, if you ask me ''should I go to one of his shows?'' I say, definitely! Especially if you like some good music (who doesn't though?). So, if you happen to be in Australia and Hawaii go get tickets and enjoy!
  Guys, enjoy the last few shows. Thank you for the memories and all the emotions. Looking forward to the next concert (I hope by then you have a band name😂), until then at least we have YouTube.


*all images belong to me. Please give credits, if you use any of them (ig: @silia.a, twitter: @itssosilia)* 

Monday, May 29, 2017

May 29th, 10:44 pm.

Regrets. Empty promises.

  What's up with that weird mood? That mood you get into after a romantic movie. The oh-these-things-never-happen-in-real-life-but-if-they-do-they-surely-don't-happen-to-me mood. You get what I mean.
 Part number 1. Let's talk about empty promises. Empty words. Never, ever, say things that you don't really mean. ''Oh I will always be there for you'', ''I'm glad that I have you in my life'', ''You make me a better person''. Bullshit! You just don't say that, to a friend, to a lover, to a crush, to whatever that person is, and then dissapear, just like that. Um, hellooo, fellow human left behind very confused and hurt.
 Part number 2. Things you have to say. One thing I have learned in this life is, don't leave things unspoken. Just say what you want to say. No matter what. Hard. I know. But it's harder when time passes and then you don't have any right to bring it up. And this is what we call regrets. And they hunt you for a long time. And guess what, they suck.
 But if it happens, I am one of these people that believe that everything happens for a reason. So, we have to embrace this reason and move on. It didn't happen cause you are probably better off without them. I mean they didn't even keep their promises....💁 So, you are good. Really.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

8 Μαΐου 2017.

 Έφυγες. Σήμερα λείπεις.Δε πρόλαβα να σε δω μια τελευταία φορά. Δε με θυμώσουν. Εγώ όμως ποτέ δε θα ξεχάσω.
 Δε θα ξεχάσω πόση καλή και αγαθή ήσουν. Δε θα ξεχάσω τις φορές που τρώγαμε στο σπίτι σου εκείνη την υπέροχη μακαρονάδα σου. Δε θα ξεχάσω τη μεγάλη άσπρη λεκάνη με τους περίφημους πατατοκεφτέδες σου που έφερνε ο μπαμπάς στο σπίτι κάποια βράδια, κάνοντας μας έκπληξη και μεις ενθουσιαζόμασταν· δεν έμεναν στο μπολ για πολύ καιρό. Δε θα ξεχάσω την βυσσινάδα που πάντα πίναμε όταν σε επισκεφτόμασταν. Δε θα ξεχάσω τα καλοκαίρια που καθόμασταν στην βεράντα και τρώγαμε φρούτα ή ζελέ (πολύ φαΐ τελικά!). Δε θα ξεχάσω τον πάντα τέλειο κότσο που έκανες στα άσπρα σου μαλλιά και την αγαπημένη σου πολυθρόνα. Δε θα ξεχάσω που με έλεγες το ''καλύτερο κορίτσι'' και χαμογελούσες. Δε θα ξεχάσω πόσο μας αγαπούσες όλους.
 Εσύ όμως ξέχασες. Μας ξέχασες. Δε πειράζει, δε φταις εσύ. Δε πειράζει που έπρεπε να σου λέμε 20 φορές ποιο είμαστε. Δε πειράζει που νόμιζες ότι οι άνθρωποι στη τηλεόραση ήταν στο δωμάτιο· ήταν αστείο πολλές φορές. Δε ξέρω τι μπορεί να σκεφτόσουν, αλλά θέλω να πιστεύω πως ήσουν χαρούμενη, αν και στο δικό σου κόσμο.
 Σ' ευχαριστώ για την αγάπη σου. Σ' ευχαριστώ για τον μπαμπά και τον θείο μου. Σ' ευχαριστώ για τις ωραίες αναμνήσεις. Σ' ευχαριστώ για όλα.

Πες γεια στους παππούδες μου.

Σε ευχαριστώ. Σε αγαπώ. Μου λείπεις.

Η εγγονή σου.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

February 5th, 24:00

Movies. We all like movies. But why?

For me movies are an escape. I can, for 2 hours, forget everything and just enjoy a story. The movie can either make you feel good or sometimes bad, cause you get caught up in the story, or you just sit there and start thinking why can't stuff like that happen to you, especially if it's a romantic movie and on the credits you read ''based on a true story''.

Isn't it fascinating how they come up with such stories? I mean, think about your favorite movie right now. How did they come up with that? And yes, even when it's based on books. Authors are such creative people. Even more, actors and actresses, They can act that good that they can touch your soul.

I love these kind of films that just leaves you on your seat for a while. Those kind of films that you can't stop thinking about them for a day or two.

Movies can make you laugh, cry, scare you. They can make you change the way you think on some matters, they pass a message. They can even bring people together!

Whatever kind of film it is, whatever kind you like, we all enjoy a good movie.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 4th 2017, 22:40

If somebody asked me what I want in life, I would probably say: not to deal with stuff and people. 
Let me explain what I mean. I am tired of feeling bad for the choices I have made. I don't want to come up with excuses and lies so I can avoid something and then feel bad about it. I want to just say straight ahead what I want to say and people to understand. 

I get angry but I never show. Angry with people, angry with myself. I don't want to deal with people cause I guess, I don't wanna know their reaction or mostly because I have no idea how to explain myself (reason why I prefer texting than calling, more time to think what to say). 

When I travelled abroad on summer it was the best week of my entire 20 years of life. Why? Because for a full week I didn't have to deal with stuff and people. Everyone was so far, I couldn't take calls or make plans or even didn't have time to think. 

I know that people can leave out of your life. I don't want that. And that's why I feel bad I suppose. Excuses over excuses, cancellations over cancellations will make people not wanting to be around you anymore. I think I make people sad or angry or fed up with my stuff. Maybe though, everything is just in my head and I make myself think different. But when do you realize that? When you have hit rock bottom? 

Maybe I feel this way not because of people but because of me. Because I don't undestand. Because it doesn't seem to go away. Because when all you want to do is to crawl up in a ball to someone and cry but at the same time you don't. Hundreads of times I have wished I would just vanished, or never existed. Not dead, cause death makes people sad (they have enough problems), just never existed. 

I don't even feel comfortable posting all these, probably because it's the truth. Probably because I don't want people to know. Probably because I don't want to deal with this.

If somebody asked me what I want in life, I would probably say: clean mind. 


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

August 2nd, 2016. Midnight.
 Sitting on my bed, at my old room. Listening to music, laptop on my lap, phone next to me with its LED light going on and off. But I’m ignoring it. Staring out my window.
You see, I don’t live here anymore. Everything has changed but yet, at the same time, nothing has. Still sitting here, still over-thinking, still can’t sleep, still crying.  As I did last year, and the year before that.
By this point, I’m sure something is not right about me. And it’s only getting worse. There hasn’t been a day, there hasn’t been a minute that I don’t think about my look, my body, my insecurities, how bad I’m doing with university, how I get anxious about everything. I don’t answer calls anymore, only texts. It’s August and I haven’t gone to the beach not even once. Damn it, I haven’t even left my house, unless it was necessary. Yes, this year it got worse. I was so hoping it would all be gone. But no.
A song in a language I don’t understand is playing. I don’t mind. It sounds nice.

12:49 am. I don’t know why I decided to write all these down. Maybe I will do it again. Maybe I even post them on a blog or something. Maybe not.

A John Mayer ft Katy Perry song is on. I didn’t know they had collaborated. Cool.


Good night. 